Our Standard suites are 4' x 6' on the inside with
a sliding door that leads to their private 4' x 12' outdoor
run. Soothing classical music is played around the clock.
Bedding is not provided in the Standard suites, but we encourage you to bring
in anything from home whether it's your dog's
bed, a blanket or even a nightgown! We feel that it eases your dog's transition
to our place if they have something that smells like home. Please try to make
it machine washable so we can clean it in case of an accident, and no irreplaceable
items, please.
Toys are always welcome, so bring those in, too! Please note that the only restriction
we have is if you bring in a rawhide for your dog, we'll take it away if it gets
to a size where it can become a choking hazard.
The suites are sealed from the floor to the ceiling with an epoxy coating which
makes it difficult for bacteria to grow, and also makes it easy for us to clean
and disinfect. We have a 3-part epoxy floor with in–floor heat that keeps
the floor a nice 70 degrees so everyone stays nice and warm in the cold months.
An air conditioning system is employed for the warmer months.

Each suite has its own water spigot (fresh water is available at all times) and dedicated floor drain to ensure minimal mess in case of an accident. A window above every suite lets in plenty of natural light.
Every dog has the opportunity to go out to their run every three hours for a
potty break, to stretch and enjoy the day. Let out times start at 7 a.m.
and end between 9 & 10 p.m.